Spot The Difference Game As3 Tutorial
Line 6 - each difference's hand cursor is turned to false so that the hand is not shown when the user moves the mouse pointer over it.
The numbers of times to loop is determined by 'differences', which currently is 3.. An Array could be used for varying difference total in each level Line 2 - The total of differences found is stored so that something can be done if all of them are found.
Line 5 - Each difference can be refered to in the loop by using thisSide['dif' i], but a temporary variable is used to shorten it.. Line 7 - the difference has not been found yet, but when it is it will be set to true, so that it cannot be pressed again.. Spot The Difference Game WiiThisSide refers to the side which the user finds a difference in.. The rest of the code will be executed when the difference is pressed Line 11 - If the difference hasn't been found Line 12 - Play the difference movieclip.. Spot The Difference Game WiiLine 1 - A variable to hold the total number of differences in each level. Click
Line 10 - The difference movieclip is assigned a function for when it's pressed.. Playing it will make it flash, as we set it up earlier to do so Line 13 - The other side's difference will also play Line 14 - The difference has now been found, so we don't want it to be clickable any longer. d70b09c2d4 4
OtherSide refers to the side which will respond Line 4 - A for loop is used to loop through each difference (dif1, dif2, dif3). 5